Craig Morgan - That's What I Love About Sunday Lyrics |

About the Song

In the tapestry of country music, where heartfelt stories and simple truths intertwine, Craig Morgan’s “That’s What I Love About Sunday” stands as a timeless masterpiece. Released in 2005 from his album “My Kind of Livin’,” this song captures the essence of a peaceful, faith-filled Sunday in a small town, resonating with listeners across generations. Morgan’s warm, inviting vocals, paired with the song’s gentle melody, create a sense of nostalgia and comfort, transporting us back to a simpler time.

“That’s What I Love About Sunday” paints a vivid picture of a day of rest and reflection. The lyrics evoke images of church bells ringing, families gathering for a home-cooked meal, and children playing in the yard. It’s a day where worries fade away, replaced by a sense of gratitude and contentment. Morgan sings of simple pleasures: “Singin’ in the church choir, feeling the Holy Spirit / Goin’ on a picnic, the whole family there.” The song’s message is clear: it’s the little moments, shared with loved ones, that make life truly meaningful.

For those who grew up in small towns, “That’s What I Love About Sunday” strikes a chord of familiarity. It reminds us of lazy afternoons spent fishing with grandpa, attending potlucks at the community center, and watching the sunset from the porch swing. It’s a celebration of the unhurried pace and strong sense of community that often characterize small-town life.

Even for those who haven’t experienced this lifestyle firsthand, the song’s universal themes of faith, family, and gratitude resonate deeply. It reminds us to slow down, appreciate the present moment, and cherish the connections we have with others. In today’s fast-paced world, where we’re constantly bombarded with information and distractions, “That’s What I Love About Sunday” offers a welcome respite. It encourages us to unplug, recharge, and reconnect with what truly matters.

Craig Morgan’s “That’s What I Love About Sunday” isn’t just a song; it’s a reminder of the values that make life worth living. It’s a celebration of the simple joys, the quiet moments, and the enduring power of love and faith. Whether you’re listening on a Sunday drive, reflecting on your own blessings, or simply seeking a moment of peace, this song has the power to touch your heart and soul. It’s a testament to the enduring appeal of country music, and a reminder that the most precious things in life are often the simplest.
