Wynette, Tammy / D-I-V-O-R-C-E (1968) / Epic BN-26392 (Album, 12" Vinyl)

About the Song

Ah, Tammy Wynette, the Queen of Country, her voice a honeyed drawl that could tell stories of love and heartache with equal power. And what a tale she spins in “D-I-V-O-R-C-E,” a song that’s as raw and real as a Texas dust storm. It’s 1968, a time when country music wasn’t shy about the messy bits of life, and Wynette, well, she never held back.

Remember those dog-eared vinyl LPs you used to spin, the ones that crackled with the echoes of simpler times? This song, it’s like that. It takes you back to a porch swing swaying in the twilight, fireflies blinking in the honeysuckle vines, and the radio playing low, just you and the music. And then, that opening line hits you like a freight train: “Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E becomes final today.”

Five little letters, spelled out slow and deliberate, each one a hammer blow to the heart. It’s not just a word, it’s a whole world crumbling. The wedding ring that used to glitter on your finger feels like a foreign object now, the promises whispered in the moonlight a distant echo.

But Tammy Wynette, she doesn’t wallow. She’s a fighter, a woman who’s seen the sun rise after the stormiest night. Even as her voice trembles with the sting of tears unshed, there’s a steely resolve in her tone. She’s packing her bags, her little “J-O-E” by her side, leaving behind the dreams that turned to dust.

This ain’t no tear-jerker ballad, though there’s plenty of heartbreak to go around. It’s a “H-E double L for me,” she sings, but there’s a wry smile in her voice. It’s the laugh of a woman who’s picked herself up off the floor one too many times, who knows that life goes on, even when it feels like it’s falling apart.

“D-I-V-O-R-C-E,” it’s more than just a song. It’s a snapshot of a time, a reflection of the lives lived and the loves lost in the heartland. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the strength that rises from the ashes of heartbreak. So crank up the volume, let Tammy Wynette take you back to that porch swing, and remember: even when the world throws you a curveball, you can dust yourself off and start again. Because even in the face of “D-I-V-O-R-C-E,” life, like a country song, has its own beautiful melody waiting to be sung.


🎵 Let's sing along with the lyrics! 🎤
Our little boy is four years old and quite a little man
So we spell out the words we don't want him to understand
Like T-O-Y or maybe S-U-R P-R-I-S-E
But the words we're hiding from him now
Tear the heart right out of me.

Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E; becomes final today
Me and little J-O-E will be goin' away
I love you both and this will be pure H-E double L for me
Oh, I wish that we could stop this D-I-V-O-R-C-E.

Watch him smile, he thinks it Christmas
Or his 5th Birthday
And he thinks C-U-S-T-O-D-Y spells fun or play
I spell out all the hurtin' words
And turn my head when I speak
'Cause I can't spell away this hurt
That's drippin' down my cheek.

Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E; becomes final today
Me and little J-O-E will be goin' away
I love you both and this will be pure H-E double L for me
Oh, I wish that we could stop this D-I-V-O-R-C-E.