It Just Comes Natural - Album by George Strait | Spotify

About the Song

It Just Comes Natural: A Song Woven with the Threads of Life
Ah, George Strait, the King of Country himself, and “It Just Comes Natural”, a melody that twirls around your heart like Texas dust in a sunset breeze. This ain’t just any song, folks; it’s a tapestry woven with the threads of life, a warm embrace for the soul seasoned by time.

Close your eyes, and let the first notes wash over you. A gentle guitar strums, a fiddle whispers secrets, and then, Strait’s voice, smooth as aged bourbon, takes hold. He sings of a love that’s as familiar as worn boots, a comfort that’s seeped into the cracks and crevices of everyday life.

“It just comes natural, like breathin’ in the air,” he croons, and you can almost feel the sun on your skin, the scent of honeysuckle in the air. It’s a love that doesn’t need grand gestures or fireworks, it’s in the quiet moments, the shared laughter over breakfast, the unspoken understanding that’s bloomed over years.

Remember that first dance, the nervous flutter in your stomach, the way your hand fit perfectly in his? “Like a river flows down to the sea,” Strait sings, and you’re right back there, lost in the sway of the music, the world melting away. It’s a love that’s as timeless as the stars, as constant as the seasons, a melody etched onto your heart.

But life ain’t all sunshine and sweet tea, folks. There are storms that roll in, clouds that dim the horizon. “We’ve weathered every kind of breeze,” Strait admits, his voice a low rumble that speaks of shared battles and weathered hands. It’s a love that’s been tested, refined by the fires of hardship, emerging stronger, more resilient.

And then, there’s that quiet wisdom that comes with age, the knowledge that some things just fit, some connections are meant to be. “It just comes natural, like the moon up in the sky,” he sings, and you know, deep down, that this love is as natural, as inevitable, as the changing tides.

So, raise a glass, put on your boots, and let “It Just Comes Natural” wash over you. It’s a song for the weary traveler, the seasoned lover, the one who knows that life’s greatest treasures are often found in the quiet corners of everyday moments. It’s a reminder that love, true love, ain’t a fancy show, it’s a slow dance with time, a melody woven into the very fabric of your being.

It just comes natural, y’all. And that’s the sweetest song of all.


🎵 Let's sing along with the lyrics! 🎤