Joey+Rory - I See Him (Live) - YouTube

About the Song

The lyrics paint a picture of a love that transcends the boundaries of this world. The narrator, with a mix of wistful longing and joyful anticipation, speaks of seeing their departed loved one in the everyday beauty of the world around them. In the rustling leaves, the radiant sunrise, the gentle smile of a child, they catch glimpses of the one they miss so dearly. It’s a testament to the enduring power of love, the kind that leaves an imprint on the soul, forever cherished and remembered.

Joey & Rory’s voices blend seamlessly, their harmonies echoing the deep connection they shared both on and off the stage. Their performance is imbued with authenticity, drawing listeners into the intimate space of their shared experience. The simple yet profound message of “I See Him” is a balm for grieving hearts, offering solace and hope in the face of loss. It speaks to the universal human experience of missing someone deeply, while holding onto the belief that love endures, even when separated by the veil of death.

For those who have walked the path of grief, “I See Him” is a gentle companion, a reminder that love’s presence can be felt in unexpected ways. It encourages us to look for the signs, to cherish the memories, and to hold onto the hope of a future reunion. The song’s enduring appeal lies in its ability to touch the deepest chords of the human spirit, offering comfort and inspiration to all who have loved and lost.
